Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Stat release by facebook for month Aug 2012 - May 2013

 Today facebook release the various stat figures on it official page. These stat cover 12 different aspect of this social media site but few of them caught my attention specifically,  one as the end user
  2. Item shared
  3. Monthly active user
  4. Daily active user
  5. Mobile monthly active user
The revealed number show a strong relationship between sales of smart phone and percentage increase of mobile monthly active user (54%, 751 million) .

 Until I brought one of the andriod devices in last year December, I was active facebook user and use to check my account on regular basis aprox 2 times in a week , after which, I became an active daily user,myself. I started to notice that I became in habit of tweeting more often and ending up in checking my account while sipping tea with my college on coffee table. I did not wanted to miss anything and apps (with screen widgets) available made it easy tweet and update the status as easy as making an instant coffee.  Same is also reflected,  in the rise of sharing content data (94% , 4.75 billion) and number of likes (67% increment,4.5 billion ). This sales figure show a strong co-relation between the number of android devices being sold and its availability of cheaper price as compared to other smart phone with other OS like iphone, windows and blackberryOS  in country like India and China.

Facebook understand this fact too and recently in past few month back lunched an application that revamp your android OS to facebook centric (Mark say it make android Os from appcentric to social media centric
I think to achieve similar kind of growth next year , these website has to tap and attract local people in India and China  by end user education  and making apps in their local language.

for more check out the complete stat figure @ the below link : facebook

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